Recognized specialists for their commitments against MSD risks and their willingness to improve the well-being, comfort and ergonomic of housekeeping in hotels, health care, sea and river cruises and condominiums…
Hotels and restaurants are demanding sectors where the slightest negligence can endanger the campany’s reputation. An experience in the field is essential to identify and prevent any dysfunction in hotel services, which would bring about a suitable solution.
After a specialized professional career in hotels and restaurants as a trainer and then a consultant, the Next’Bedrooms manager decided to create his own company.
His aim is to resolve the MSD diseases which the hotelmaids suffer from in order to avoid some difficult position, specialy bending down to block the doors with insuitable things as a bath towel.
After 3 years of design, the brand and the model of Next’Bedrooms doorstop are registered and certified. In 2019, the Next’Bedrooms doorstop won two awards at the Lepine competition.
Today, the Next’Bedrooms doorstop is available to all sectors requiring the intervention of cleaning services devoted to hotels, senior residences, health care centers, sea and river cruises and condominiums…
Contact us for any further informations at +33 (0)6 62 76 88 79.
We are available to bring you the more suitable solution for your company and its employees.